"Le Pavillon"

Pavillon services

The cost of your supportive living residence includes the following services:

  • Preparation of all meals
  • Cleaning of your apartment
  • Home Care

Residents of the Villa Youville “Pavillon” will can also take advantage of several additional services.


Reading corners exist at different places in Villa Youville offering free access to its collection of books. For those who want more choice, the Denise-Fortin Library is two minutes from the complex. There is an interesting collection of books in both French and in English.


We take care of the laundry of your bed linens every week. For your personnel clothing, you have free access to a laundry room. If you prefer to entrust this laundry task to someone else, we will help you find people who provide this service at a very reasonable price.

Monthly bulletin

Le Petit Messager is the monthly bulletin filled with Villa Youville news. It is delivered to your door. In it, you will find important information and the monthly calendar of special activities and events. Consult it regularly, because that’s where all additions or changes to the activities are published.

Hairdressers and barber

Two hairdressers and a professional barber offer hairdressing and grooming services on site.


Accounting services are provided at the Villa on a regular basis to help you with your tax returns or with any other financial matters.

Resource coordinator

You have access to someone who can help you obtain certain services. She will be happy to offer you all the assistance you need to:

  • Set appointments with a nurse specializing in foot care, accounting services and other service providers
  • Get transportation if you do not have a car
  • Find opportunities to volunteer or receive volunteer assistance
  • Obtain the Lifeline Medical Alert Service
  • Obtain a wheelchair, walker or cane if necessary
  • Receive any other services you may need


Each resident has their own address. Mail is delivered to your mailbox every day by Canada Post staff. If you receive a parcel, it will be left at the office and you will be called to come and pick it up. Your outgoing mail for posting can be placed in a marked box at the entrance, near the mailboxes.

Housekeeping and general upkeep

Our cleaning team will take care of cleaning your bathroom every week as well as the laundry of your bed linens. We can help those who cannot do the rest of their household upkeep by finding the necessary services at a very reasonable price. The Villa is responsible for cleaning the exterior windows.


Wheelchairs are made available to our residents for occasional use, for example during trips to the mall. The Resource Coordinator will be happy to assist you.


Villa Youville operates a special Internet network in order to offer preferential rates to its residents. Contact the Associate Director, for this feature. If you prefer a commercial service, you can call Shaw directly to negotiate your subscription.

Space rental

Villa Youville makes it possible to reserve a reception room with kitchen for your family gatherings. Simply contact the Resource Coordinator to help you plan ahead.


A maintenance team, present on site, will resolve any technical or infrastructure problems without delay. Whether it’s for installation or repair, we also have our own professional electrical and plumbing services. In case of emergency, these services are available day and night, all year round.


The preparation of all meals is included in the flat rate paid by residents in supportive living. These meals are served in a large dining room comparable to that of a big hotel, with its padded armchairs and round tables you’re invited you to stay a while and chat.

While the three meals of the day are served at the tables, snacks are brought to the apartments by home care staff.

All meals are prepared in the kitchen of the Pavillon (la Cuisine Céline Petit) by a professional restaurant service.

A dietitian ensures that menus are varied, of excellent quality and meet the nutritional needs of our clientele.

Always welcome to the Villa, visitors can have a meal with you at la Cuisine Céline (the Pavillon kitchen). Please book ahead so that we can welcome them properly! The cost of meals is very affordable.


Villa Youville has nearly half a kilometer of corridors. You can buy a scooter or a motorized wheelchair to move from one place to another within the establishment or to do your shopping in the city. It is also a convenient way for people with reduced mobility to get to the various activities of the Villa. The apartments in the Pavillon were designed for the use of scooters as they offer a parking space with a plug to recharge the battery.


Villa Youville is a fully secured complex. All entrance and exit doors remain locked at all times except for the main entrance (15 Charrière Road) during office hours. We thus provide maximum protection to our residents while avoiding door-to-door solicitation.

Upon arrival, all residents receive a key and a code to open the exterior doors of their building, a key to their apartment and a key to their mailbox.

Religious services

As a Catholic institution, the Villa offers religious services to its residents. Under the direction of two resident nuns of the Villa, a pastoral team offers liturgical services and prayers. Mass is celebrated on Tuesday at the Villa and is televised from the parish church on Sunday. Residents may, at any time, privately gather at the Pavillon Chapel.

Home care

Your admission to the Villa’s Pavillon was preceded by an assessment of your case by home care services. Upon your arrival, the home care staff will ensure that your needs are met. The assistance you receive may increase, depending on your health. A home care office is located here in Ste. Anne. You should expect to receive services in French since Villa Youville is a designated Francophone facility and the Southern Health – Santé Sud region provides bilingual services.


The Villa Youville has generous outdoor parking spaces for its clientele and its staff. Spaces with electricity are also available at a monthly cost of $24 for a first space.


In partnership with Telecom, the Villa offers a preferential rate for telephone services to its residents.


All apartments have access to Shaw Cable. Each resident is responsible for activating their service.

Other useful information


Pets are not allowed at the Villa Youville. We like dogs and cats, but allergies, the dangers of infection and the concerns of many of our residents are all reasons to ensure they cannot be admitted. For occasional visits, it may be possible to make special arrangements with our Associate Director.


Villa Youville is a smoke-free environment. People wishing to smoke should do so outside, in the street or in their car.


Your visitors are always welcome! Several parking spaces exist near the entrances. Feel free to invite them to join you for a meal, at your own expense, of course! You just have to book ahead of time.