Every day, Villa Youville relies on dedicated volunteers who improve the quality of life of our residents by offering their help in a variety of areas: activities, going to appointments, cooking, spirituality…


At Villa Youville, volunteering is vital

Since its beginnings, Villa Youville has benefited from the gracious help of a multitude of volunteers who come to enhance the lives of our residents. Card games, music, accompaniment during outings… Find the many types of volunteering opportunities currently offered at the Villa in the Where we need help section.

Volunteers offer our residents their talents and their companionship. Experience how volunteering can help you grow. Offer your help.

The Commitment

We sometimes confuse volunteerism with lending the occasional helping hand. It is wonderful to be ready to help on an ad hoc basis, but volunteering goes much further.

True volunteering involves a clear commitment including specific tasks, a fixed schedule and a fixed time period. In fact, in our daily operations we take into account the fundamental contributions of our volunteers when establishing our work schedules and activities. In addition, we ensure that volunteers are given truly meaningful responsibilities. Far from restricting your freedom as a volunteer, you will find that this approach is much more rewarding for you. You become one of our team members.


Selflessly Giving

Offering one’s own time is the best gift that can be made. When they make themselves available for visiting, entertaining and helping our seniors at Villa Youville, our volunteers themselves also become big winners.

Indeed, it is proven that engagement with a charitable organization has positive effects on people. Giving freely to help others and providing a public service gives us a sense of accomplishment that is not granted by paid work.

And thanks to volunteering, we show a greater interest in others, we open ourselves to the world around us. In addition, we often have the pleasure of spending some very pleasant moments with other people who share the same desire to help others. These moments often lead to rewarding and long lasting friendships.


Do you think that offering your time to our seniors would enrich your life while being helpful to the community? Are you ready to make a time commitment? Join our team of volunteers to enhance the lives of Villa Youville residents by contributing your help or by organizing activities for them.

Become a volunteer at Villa Youville today. Our seniors are eager to enjoy your talents and to enjoy your company!